Sometimes I think that if I'm lucky, I'll grow old and have the good fortune of Bidha – the 75 year-old nun pictured here whom I had the pleasure and honour of photographing in 2005 in Bhutan. Of all the 43 nuns at the Animdratshang nunnery, I remember her as the most playful and content; she was at peace in her infinite joy, which was brought into being by her years of dedicated meditation practice. I feel so fortunate to have found a meditation practice early in my explorations of yoga. In fact, I fully credit my first yoga teacher, Erich Schiffmann, for instilling in me the importance of meditating daily. Erich helped me understand that meditation is the source and origin for the highest forms of creativity and clarity. If there is a single piece of advice I could give to any student or teacher of yoga or qigong, it is to meditate every day, even for just a few minutes. For me, meditation is such a simple yet powerful way of cultivating tools to help figure out what to do with our thoughts; it's a way of working with rather than pushing away or demanding more from all the experiences we meet as complicated human beings. I know that for myself, life's unexpected and sometimes grim corners are tricky to turn. Meditation has helped me learn to meet what happens and not completely freak out, run away, or react harmfully to situations as they unfold. Meditation also excites and inspires me; it's funny to think that sitting quietly can be so thrilling. But in fact, it's what makes me feel really fully alive and awake to all that is possible. I absolutely love and am so grateful to have the space and opportunity to share a little bit about meditation each week, even for just 30 minutes. It's a practice that humbles and inspires me, and I hope you'll find it as beneficial, inspiring and full of insights as I have. Tuesdays 5:50 - 6:20 pm at Triyoga Camden (new! starts Jan 19) Thursdays 2:10 - 2:40 pm at Triyoga Camden Saturdays 11:20 - 11:50 am at Triyoga Kings Road, Chelsea 6 Week Mindfulness Meditation Course: starts April 16, 2016. Read more here.
AuthorTeacher, writer, lover of movement and meditation who lives with her husband, dog, three cats, 6 chickens and 10,000 bees. Archives
December 2022